Monday, 16 March 2015

CA088- Pay-to-enter competitions company specializing in luxury prizes

Pay-to-enter competitions company specializing in luxury prizes

Location Re-locatable
Asking Price £ 99,000
Confidentially offered for sale

Business profile:

Turner Butler has been appointed to invite offers of purchase for 100% of the Issued Share Capital in a pay-to-enter competitions company specialising in luxury prizes. 

Key strengths:

The business has the following key attributes:

A fully operating and test launched driving game testing reactions and driving skills. 
Developed to fall outside the Lotteries and Amusements Act – no licence required. 
Potential to generate up to £1.1m revenue in Year 1.
Significant growth and expansion opportunities.

The business provides an acquirer with:

An ideal bolt on for a competitions company looking to add to their range of games. 
An excellent ‘starter’ opportunity for an individual or company looking to enter the pay-to-enter games sector.