Monday, 15 June 2015

CC173-Cultural development agency – specialists in capital project development and feasibility work, organisational development (business planning, strategic development, staff and board development) event production and delivery, and fundraising for cultural projects

Cultural development agency – specialists in capital project development and feasibility work, organisational development (business planning, strategic development, staff and board development) event production and delivery, and fundraising for cultural projects 

Location UK wide

 Business profile:

Turner Butler has been appointed to invite offers of 100% of the Issued Share Capital in one of, if not, the, leading cultural development agency in the UK.

Key strengths:

The business has the following key attributes:

• One of, if not, the, leading cultural development agency in the UK.
• Substantial expertise and experience in capital projects, organisational development, high profile festivals and events, and fundraising.
• Highly skilled and experienced team.
• Proven track record of successful tendering.
• Excellent growth and expansion opportunities – significant funding already secured for future projects.